The Wish Maker Unfolds A Cultural Tapestry Of Contemporary Pakistan
About a month ago on "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart began a segment about Pakistan by describing it as a “distant and mysterious land of spice and anger.” After momentarily feigning interest in the country's history and culture, he admitted, “Actually, we really just care about the nuclear arsenal.”
That wry jab at single-minded reporters might amuse Ali Sethi, who's written an earnest and deeply considered debut novel about Pakistan without pandering to the interests and clichés that dominate our nightly news. The Wish Maker is a family saga that gracefully unfolds a cultural tapestry of contemporary Pakistan.
The Wish Maker begins with Zaki returning from an Ivy League education in the States to find his home, Lahore, Pakistan, changed. “There was an added estrangement from the known,” Zaki notes.
“The drive home was too short, the bridge too small, the trees not high enough on the canal ... the bed in my room was just a bed.” Sethi's clearly writing from recent experience — he, too, is an affluent Ivy League-educated 24-year-old of Lahore, Pakistan. Sethi's prose, however, is written with the disciplined distance and evenhanded delivery expected from someone twice his age.
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